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Steps to remove PowerPath software, cleanup ODM and reinstall PowerPath

varyoff Volume Group (varyoffvg <VGNAME>)

/etc/rc.agent stop (if you have clariion devices)

Remove paths from Powerpath configuration  
powermt remove hba=all

Delete all hdiskpower devices
lsdev -Cc disk -Fname | grep power | xargs -n1 rmdev -dl

Remove the PowerPath driver instance
rmdev -dl powerpath0

Delete all hdisk devices

- for Symmetrix devices, use this command:

lsdev -CtSYMM* -Fname | xargs -n1 rmdev -dl

- for CLARiiON devices, use this command:

lsdev -CtCLAR* -Fname | xargs -n1 rmdev -dl

Confirm with lsdev -Cc disk that there are no EMC hdisks or hdiskpowers

***If needed:

odmdelete -q name=powerpath0 -o CuDv

odmdelete -q name=powerpath0 -o CuAt

rm /dev/powerpath0

odmget CuDv |grep hdisk

odmdelete -q name=xxxxx -o CuDv (value you get from above NOT ROOTVG DISK)

odmget CuAt |grep hdisk

odmdelete -q name=xxxxx -o CuAt (value you get from above NOT ROOTVG DISK)

odmget CuDvDr|grep hdisk

odmdelete –q value3=xxxxxxxx -o CuDvDr (value you get from above NOT ROOTVG DISK)

odmget CuVPD|grep hdisk

odmdelete –q name=xxxxxxx -o CuVPD (value you get from above NOT ROOTVG DISK)

odmget CuDvDr|grep hdisk

odmdelete –q value3 =xxxxxxx -o CuDvDr (value you get from above NOT ROOTVG DISK)

cd /dev

rm hdiskxxxx (NOT ROOTVG DISK)

rm rhdiskxxxx (NOT ROOTVG DISK)

rm hdiskpower*

rm rhdiskpower*

savebase -v


Remove all Fiber driver instances rmdev -Rdl fscsiX ---> X being driver instance number i.e. 0,1,2, etc.

Verify through lsdev -Cc driver that there are no more fiber driver instances (fscsi)

Change the adapter instances in Defined state rmdev -l fcsX ---> X being adapterr instance number i.e. 0,1,2, etc.

Create the hdisk entries for all EMC devices

--> remove Clarrays definition here.

--> install ODM definition. (if you are reinstall ODM)

emc_cfgmgr or cfgmgr -vl fcsx ---> x being each adapter instance which was rebuilt Skip this part if no PowerPath.

Configure all EMC devices into PowerPath powermt config
Check the system to see if it now displays correctly powermt display
powermt display dev=all lsdev -Cc disk

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