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Showing posts with label nfs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nfs. Show all posts

How to clear AIX NFS cache on a server

Do the following on a server that is having problem exporting NFS mounts

1) Move the currents exports file to another name
       mv /etc/exports /etc/exports.old

2) Create a new exports file
       touch /etc/exports

3)  Unexport everything
       exportfs -ua

4)  Stop NFS
       stopsrc -g nfs

5)  Stop portmapper
       stopsrc -s portmap

6)  Change directory to /etc and remove or rename the following files if they exist.
       rm -rf xtab state sm sm.bak rmtab   
7)  change directory to /var/statman and remote the status monitoring files.
       rm -rf state sm sm.bak

8)  start the portmapper
       startsrc -s portmap

9)   start nfs
       startsrc -g nfs

10)  re-export what is left in /etc/exports
       exportfs -va

11)  refresh the inetd daemon subsystem
       refresh -s inetd

12)  Move the /etc/exports file that you backed up back in place.
       mv /etc/exports.old /etc/exports

13)  export all directories in /etc/exports
       exportfs -a