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Showing posts with label linux. Show all posts
Showing posts with label linux. Show all posts

Basic examples of linux netstat command


Netstat is a command line utility that can be used to list out all the network (socket) connections on a system. It lists out all the tcp, udp socket connections and the unix socket connections.

Apart from connected sockets it can also list listening sockets that are waiting for incoming connections. So by verifying an open port 80 you can confirm if a web server is running on the system or not. This makes it a very useful tool for network and system administrators.

In this tutorial we shall be checking out few examples of how to use netstat to find information about network connections and open ports on a system.

Here is a quick intro to netstat from the man pages
netstat - Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships

1. List out all connections

The first and most simple command is to list out all the current connections. Simply run the netstat command with the a option.
$ netstat -a

Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
tcp        0      0 enlightened:domain      *:*                     LISTEN     
tcp        0      0 localhost:ipp           *:*                     LISTEN     
tcp        0      0 enlightened.local:54750 li240-5.members.li:http ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 enlightened.local:49980 del01s07-in-f14.1:https ESTABLISHED
tcp6       0      0 ip6-localhost:ipp       [::]:*                  LISTEN     
udp        0      0 enlightened:domain      *:*                                
udp        0      0 *:bootpc                *:*                                
udp        0      0 enlightened.local:ntp   *:*                                
udp        0      0 localhost:ntp           *:*                                
udp        0      0 *:ntp                   *:*                                
udp        0      0 *:58570                 *:*                                
udp        0      0 *:mdns                  *:*                                
udp        0      0 *:49459                 *:*                                
udp6       0      0 fe80::216:36ff:fef8:ntp [::]:*                             
udp6       0      0 ip6-localhost:ntp       [::]:*                             
udp6       0      0 [::]:ntp                [::]:*                             
udp6       0      0 [::]:mdns               [::]:*                             
udp6       0      0 [::]:63811              [::]:*                             
udp6       0      0 [::]:54952              [::]:*                             
Active UNIX domain sockets (servers and established)
Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node   Path
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     12403    @/tmp/dbus-IDgfj3UGXX
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     40202    @/dbus-vfs-daemon/socket-6nUC6CCx
The above command shows all connections from different protocols like tcp, udp and unix sockets. However this is not quite useful. Administrators often want to pick out specific connections based on protocols or port numbers for example.

2. List only TCP or UDP connections

To list out only tcp connections use the t options.
$ netstat -at
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
tcp        0      0 enlightened:domain      *:*                     LISTEN     
tcp        0      0 localhost:ipp           *:*                     LISTEN     
tcp        0      0 enlightened.local:36310 del01s07-in-f24.1:https ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 enlightened.local:45038 a96-17-181-10.depl:http ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 enlightened.local:37892 ABTS-North-Static-:http ESTABLISHED
Similarly to list out only udp connections use the u option.
$ netstat -au
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
udp        0      0 *:34660                 *:*                                
udp        0      0 enlightened:domain      *:*                                
udp        0      0 *:bootpc                *:*                                
udp        0      0 enlightened.local:ntp   *:*                                
udp        0      0 localhost:ntp           *:*                                
udp        0      0 *:ntp                   *:*                                
udp6       0      0 fe80::216:36ff:fef8:ntp [::]:*                             
udp6       0      0 ip6-localhost:ntp       [::]:*                             
udp6       0      0 [::]:ntp                [::]:*
The above output shows both ipv4 and ipv6 connections.

3. Disable reverse dns lookup for faster output

By default, the netstat command tries to find out the hostname of each ip address in the connection by doing a reverse dns lookup. This slows down the output. If you do not need to know the host name and just the ip address is sufficient then suppress the hostname lookup with the n option.
$ netstat -ant
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN     
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN     
tcp        0      0        ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0      ESTABLISHED
tcp6       0      0 ::1:631                 :::*                    LISTEN
The above command shows ALL TCP connections with NO dns resolution. Got it ? Good.

4. List out only listening connections

Any network daemon/service keeps an open port to listen for incoming connections. These too are like socket connections and are listed out by netstat. To view only listening ports use the l options.
$ netstat -tnl
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN     
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0 ::1:631                 :::*                    LISTEN
Now we can see only listening tcp ports/connections. If you want to see all listening ports, remove the t option. If you want to see only listening udp ports use the u option instead of t.
Make sure to remove the 'a' option, otherwise all connections would get listed and not just the listening connections.

5. Get process name/pid and user id

When viewing the open/listening ports and connections, its often useful to know the process name/pid which has opened that port or connection. For example the Apache httpd server opens port 80. So if you want to check whether any http server is running or not, or which http server is running, apache or nginx, then track down the process name.

The process details are made available by the 'p' option.
~$ sudo netstat -nlpt
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      1144/dnsmasq    
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      661/cupsd       
tcp6       0      0 ::1:631                 :::*                    LISTEN      661/cupsd

When using the p option, netstat must be run with root privileges, otherwise it cannot detect the pids of processes running with root privileges and most services like http and ftp often run with root privileges.

Along with process name/pid its even more useful to get the username/uid owning that particular process. Use the e option along with the p option to get the username too.
$ sudo netstat -ltpe
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       User       Inode       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0 enlightened:domain      *:*                     LISTEN      root       11090       1144/dnsmasq    
tcp        0      0 localhost:ipp           *:*                     LISTEN      root       9755        661/cupsd       
tcp6       0      0 ip6-localhost:ipp       [::]:*                  LISTEN      root       9754        661/cupsd

The above example lists out Listening connections of Tcp type with Process information and Extended information.
The extended information contains the username and inode of the process. This is a useful command for network administrators.

Note - If you use the n option with the e option, the uid would be listed and not the username.

6. Print statistics

The netstat command can also print out network statistics like total number of packets received and transmitted by protocol type and so on.

To list out statistics of all packet types
$ netstat -s
    32797 total packets received
    0 forwarded
    0 incoming packets discarded
    32795 incoming packets delivered
    29115 requests sent out
    60 outgoing packets dropped
    125 ICMP messages received
    0 input ICMP message failed.
    ICMP input histogram:
        destination unreachable: 125
    125 ICMP messages sent
    0 ICMP messages failed
    ICMP output histogram:
        destination unreachable: 125
To print out statistics of only select protocols like TCP or UDP use the corresponding options like t and u along with the s option. Simple!

7. Display kernel routing information

The kernel routing information can be printed with the r option. It is the same output as given by the route command. We also use the n option to disable the hostname lookup.
$ netstat -rn
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface         UG        0 0          0 eth0   U         0 0          0 eth0

8. Print network interfaces

The netstat command can also print out the information about the network interfaces. The i option does the task.
$ netstat -i
Kernel Interface table
eth0       1500 0     31611      0      0 0         27503      0      0      0 BMRU
lo        65536 0      2913      0      0 0          2913      0      0      0 LRU
The above output contains information in a very raw format. To get a more human friendly version of the output use the e option along with i.
$ netstat -ie
Kernel Interface table
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:36:f8:b2:64  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::216:36ff:fef8:b264/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:31682 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:27573 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:29637117 (29.6 MB)  TX bytes:4590583 (4.5 MB)
          Interrupt:18 Memory:da000000-da020000 

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
          RX packets:2921 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:2921 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
          RX bytes:305297 (305.2 KB)  TX bytes:305297 (305.2 KB)
The above output is similar to the output shown by the ifconfig command.

9. Get netstat output continuously

Netstat can output connection information continuously with the c option.
$ netstat -ct
The above command will output tcp connections continuously.

10. Display multicast group information

The g option will display the multicast group information for IPv4 and IPv6 protocols.
$ netstat -g
IPv6/IPv4 Group Memberships
Interface       RefCnt Group
--------------- ------ ---------------------
lo              1      all-systems.mcast.net
eth0            1
eth0            1      all-systems.mcast.net
lo              1      ip6-allnodes
lo              1      ff01::1
eth0            1      ff02::fb
eth0            1      ff02::1:fff8:b264
eth0            1      ip6-allnodes
eth0            1      ff01::1
wlan0           1      ip6-allnodes
wlan0           1      ff01::1

More examples of netstat command

Okay, we covered the basic examples of netstat command above. Now its time to do some geek stuff with style.

Print active connections

Active socket connections are in "ESTABLISHED" state. So to get all current active connections use netstat with grep as follows
$ netstat -atnp | grep ESTA
(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
 will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
tcp        0      0        ESTABLISHED 1691/chrome     
tcp        0      0      ESTABLISHED 1691/chrome
To watch a continous list of active connections, use the watch command along with netstat and grep
$ watch -d -n0 "netstat -atnp | grep ESTA"

Check if a service is running

If you want to check if a server like http,smtp or ntp is running or not, use grep again.
$ sudo netstat -aple | grep ntp
udp        0      0 enlightened.local:ntp   *:*                                 root       17430       1789/ntpd       
udp        0      0 localhost:ntp           *:*                                 root       17429       1789/ntpd       
udp        0      0 *:ntp                   *:*                                 root       17422       1789/ntpd       
udp6       0      0 fe80::216:36ff:fef8:ntp [::]:*                              root       17432       1789/ntpd       
udp6       0      0 ip6-localhost:ntp       [::]:*                              root       17431       1789/ntpd       
udp6       0      0 [::]:ntp                [::]:*                              root       17423       1789/ntpd       
unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    17418    1789/ntpd

So we found that ntp server is running. Grep for http or smtp or whatever you are looking for.

Well, that was most of what netstat is used for. If you are looking for more advanced information or want to dig deeper, read up the netstat manual (man netstat).

LVM in Linux step by step

LVM stands for Logical Volume Manager.

With LVM, we can create logical partitions that can span across one or more physical hard drives. First, the hard drives are divided into physical volumes, then those physical volumes are combined together to create the volume group and finally the logical volumes are created from volume group.

The LVM commands listed in this article are used under Ubuntu Distribution. But, it is the same for other Linux distributions.

Before we start, install the lvm2 package as shown below.
$ sudo apt-get intall lvm2
To create a LVM, we need to run through the following steps.
  • Select the physical storage devices for LVM
  • Create the Volume Group from Physical Volumes
  • Create Logical Volumes from Volume Group

Select the Physical Storage Devices for LVM – Use pvcreate, pvscan, pvdisplay Commands

In this step, we need to choose the physical volumes that will be used to create the LVM. We can create the physical volumes using pvcreate command as shown below.
$ sudo pvcreate /dev/sda6 /dev/sda7 
Physical volume "/dev/sda6" successfully created                                                 
Physical volume "/dev/sda7" successfully created 
As shown above two physical volumes are created – /dev/sda6 and /dev/sda7.

If the physical volumes are already created, you can view them using the pvscan command as shown below.
$ sudo pvscan                                                                   
  PV /dev/sda6                      lvm2 [1.86 GB]                                                 
  PV /dev/sda7                      lvm2 [1.86 GB]                                                 
  Total: 2 [3.72 GB] / in use: 0 [0   ] / in no VG: 2 [3.72 GB]      
You can view the list of physical volumes with attributes like size, physical extent size, total physical extent size, the free space, etc., using pvdisplay command as shown below.
$ sudo pvdisplay 
--- Physical volume --- 
  PV Name             /dev/sda6 
  VG Name             
  PV Size               1.86 GB / not usable 2.12 MB 
  Allocatable           yes 
  PE Size (KByte)    4096 
  Total PE              476 
  Free PE               456 
  Allocated PE          20 
  PV UUID               m67TXf-EY6w-6LuX-NNB6-kU4L-wnk8-NjjZfv 
  --- Physical volume --- 
  PV Name             /dev/sda7 
  VG Name             
  PV Size               1.86 GB / not usable 2.12 MB 
  Allocatable           yes 
  PE Size (KByte)    4096 
  Total PE              476 
  Free PE               476 
  Allocated PE          0 
  PV UUID               b031x0-6rej-BcBu-bE2C-eCXG-jObu-0Boo0x 

Note : PE – Physical Extents are nothing but equal-sized chunks. The default size of extent is 4MB.

Create the Volume Group – Use vgcreate, vgdisplay Commands

Volume groups are nothing but a pool of storage that consists of one or more physical volumes. Once you create the physical volume, you can create the volume group (VG) from these physical volumes (PV).

In this example, the volume group vol_grp1 is created from the two physical volumes as shown below.
$ sudo vgcreate vol_grp1 /dev/sda6 /dev/sda7                                  
  Volume  group "vol_grp1" successfully created           

LVM processes the storage in terms of extents. We can also change the extent size (from the default size 4MB) using -s flag.

vgdisplay command lists the created volume groups.
$ sudo vgdisplay 
  --- Volume group ---              
  VG Name                     vol_grp1  
  System ID                         
  Format                        lvm2        
  Metadata Areas            2           
  Metadata Sequence No  1           
  VG Access                   read/write  
  VG Status                    resizable   
  MAX LV                       0           
  Cur LV                        0           
  Open LV                      0           
  Max PV                       0           
  Cur PV                        2           
  Act PV                       2           
  VG Size                      3.72 GB     
  PE Size                      4.00 MB     
  Total PE                     952         
  Alloc PE / Size             0 / 0       
  Free  PE / Size            952 / 3.72 GB 
  VG UUID                     Kk1ufB-rT15-bSWe-5270-KDfZ-shUX-FUYBvR 
LVM Create: Create Logical Volumes – Use lvcreate, lvdisplay command

Now, everything is ready to create the logical volumes from the volume groups. lvcreate command creates the logical volume with the size of 80MB.
$ sudo lvcreate -l 20 -n logical_vol1 vol_grp1 
  Logical volume "logical_vol1" created      
Use lvdisplay command as shown below, to view the available logical volumes with its attributes.

$ sudo lvdisplay                                  
  --- Logical volume ---                                             
  LV Name                /dev/vol_grp1/logical_vol1              
  VG Name                vol_grp1                                  
  LV UUID                 ap8sZ2-WqE1-6401-Kupm-DbnO-2P7g-x1HwtQ      
  LV Write Access      read/write                                  
  LV Status              available                                   
  # open                  0                                           
  LV Size                  80.00 MB                                    
  Current LE              20                                          
  Segments               1                                           
  Allocation               inherit                                     
  Read ahead sectors  auto                                        
  - currently set to     256                                         
  Block device            252:0              
After creating the appropriate filesystem on the logical volumes, it becomes ready to use for the storage purpose.
$ sudo  mkfs.ext3 /dev/vol_grp1/logical_vol1 

LVM resize: Change the size of the logical volumes – Use lvextend Command

We can extend the size of the logical volumes after creating it by using lvextend utility as shown below. The changes the size of the logical volume from 80MB to 100MB.
$ sudo lvextend -L100 /dev/vol_grp1/logical_vol1 
  Extending logical volume logical_vol1 to 100.00 MB 
  Logical volume logical_vol1 successfully resized 
We can also add additional size to a specific logical volume as shown below.
$ sudo lvextend -L+100 /dev/vol_grp1/logical_vol1 
  Extending logical volume logical_vol1 to 200.00 MB 
  Logical volume logical_vol1 successfully resized 

How to disable fsck on reboot in linux

In Linux, when a filesystem is mounted for certain times, or its last fsck was more than certain days ago, system will perform fsck on it when server reboot. The fsck process can take a few minutes to hours to finish, depending on the filesystem size.

If we want fast reboot, we can disable the fsck check, although it's not recommended to do so.
There’s several ways of accomplishing this. I will list all the methods beneath, just pick the one that fits the situation/you.
  1. Filesystem tunable
  2. Grub boot parameter
  3. Placing command files on your root device
  4. Update /etc/fstab
  5. Active reboot without FSCK

Filesystem tunable

Use the tune2fs command to tell your filesystem to have a max count of mounts before a check to 0 to disable it.
# tune2fs -c 0 /dev/sda2 
To list the current settings:
$ tune2fs /dev/sda2 | egrep -i 'mount count|check'
Mount count:                        1
Maximum mount count:        21
Last checked:                     Sat Mar 24 16:15:33 2012
Check interval:                    15552000 (6 months)
Next check after:                 Thu Sep 20 16:15:33 2012

the output is self-explained, for my system, /dev/sda2 will be checked after it's mounted for 21 times, or after Sep 20 16:15:33 2012.

To disable fsck check on /dev/sda2
$ tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 /dev/sda2
tune2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
Setting maximal mount count to -1
Setting interval between checks to 0 seconds.
check it again:
$ tune2fs /dev/sda2 | egrep -i 'mount count|check'
Mount count:                        1
Maximum mount count:        -1
Last checked:                     Sat Mar 24 16:15:33 2012
Check interval:                    0 (<none>)

Grub boot parameter

Add the following at the end of your grub boot linux line.


This can be done by editing “grub.conf” or by editing the boot command via the grub menu at boot.

Placing command files on your root device 


To disable the filesystem check on boot.

# touch /fastboot

To enable a filesystem check on boot.

# touch /forcefsck

update /etc/fstab

in /etc/fstab, the last column is used by fsck to determine the order of performing file system check at reboot time. For root file system /, it should be 1, for other file systems, it should be 2. If we want to disable the fsck check for certain file system, we can specify 0 in the last column.

$ grep nofsck /etc/fstab
/dev/sda2        /mnt/nofsck        ext4        defaults        0  0

Active reboot without FSCK


  # shutdown -rf

Parameter reference: 

-r     Reboot after shutdown.
-f     Skip fsck on reboot.

the -f flags tells system to skip fsck for all filesystems during the reboot. Unlike the fstab and tune2fs methods, it only takes effect during current reboot, will not disable fsck permanently.

Converting ext2 filesystem to ext3 in Linux

The tune2fs allows you to convert an ext2 filesystem to ext3.

Note : Always use the e2fsck utility to check your filesystem before and after using tune2fs.

A default installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux uses ext3 for all file systems.
To convert an ext2 filesystem to ext3, log in as root and type the following command in a terminal:

/sbin/tune2fs -j <block_device>

where <block_device> contains the ext2 filesystem you wish to convert.

A valid block device could be one of two types of entries:
• A mapped device — A logical volume in a volume group, for example, /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol02.

• A static device — A traditional storage volume, for example, /dev/hdbX, where hdb is a storage
device name and X is the partition number.

Issue the df command to display mounted file systems.

You must recreate the initrd image so that it will contain the ext3 kernel module. To create this,
run the mkinitrd program. For information on using the mkinitrd command, type man mkinitrd.
Also, make sure your GRUB configuration loads the initrd.

If you fail to make this change, the system still boots, but the file system is mounted as ext2 instead
of ext3.

Converting back Linux ext3 file system to ext2 file system

If you wish to revert a partition from ext3 to ext2 for any reason, you must first unmount the partition
by logging in as root and typing,

umount /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol02

Next, change the file system type to ext2 by typing the following command as root:

/sbin/tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol02

Check the partition for errors by typing the following command as root:

/sbin/e2fsck -y /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol02

Then mount the partition again as ext2 file system by typing:

mount -t ext2 /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol02/mount/point

In the above command, replace /mount/point with the mount point of the partition.

Next, remove the .journal file at the root level of the partition by changing to the directory
where it is mounted and typing:

rm -f .journal

You now have an ext2 partition.

If you want to permanently change the partition to ext2, remember to update the /etc/fstab file.

Difference Between Linux and UNIX

 UNIX is copyrighted name only big companies are allowed to use the UNIX copyright and name, so IBM AIX and Sun Solaris and HP-UX all are UNIX operating systems. The Open Group holds the UNIX trademark in trust for the industry, and manages the UNIX trademark licensing program.
Most UNIX systems are commercial in nature.

Linux is a UNIX Clone

But if you consider Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) standards then Linux can be considered as UNIX. To quote from Official Linux kernel README file:

Linux is a Unix clone written from scratch by Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the Net. It aims towards POSIX compliance.

However, "Open Group" do not approve of the construction "Unix-like", and consider it misuse of their UNIX trademark.

Linux Is Just a Kernel

Linux is just a kernel. All Linux distributions includes GUI system + GNU utilities (such as cp, mv, ls,date, bash etc) + installation & management tools + GNU c/c++ Compilers + Editors (vi) + and various applications (such as OpenOffice, Firefox). However, most UNIX operating systems are considered as a complete operating system as everything come from a single source or vendor.

As I said earlier Linux is just a kernel and Linux distribution makes it complete usable operating systems by adding various applications. Most UNIX operating systems comes with A-Z programs such as editor, compilers etc. For example HP-UX or Solaris comes with A-Z programs.

License and cost

Linux is Free (as in beer [freedom]). You can download it from the Internet or redistribute it under GNU licenses. You will see the best community support for Linux. Most UNIX like operating systems are not free (but this is changing fast, for example OpenSolaris UNIX). However, some Linux distributions such as Redhat / Novell provides additional Linux support, consultancy, bug fixing, and training for additional fees.


Linux is considered as most user friendly UNIX like operating systems. It makes it easy to install sound card, flash players, and other desktop goodies. However, Apple OS X is most popular UNIX operating system for desktop usage.

Security Firewall Software

Linux comes with open source netfilter/iptables based firewall tool to protect your server and desktop from the crackers and hackers. UNIX operating systems comes with its own firewall product (for example Solaris UNIX comes with ipfilter based firewall) or you need to purchase a 3rd party software such as Checkpoint UNIX firewall.

Backup and Recovery Software

UNIX and Linux comes with different set of tools for backing up data to tape and other backup media. However, both of them share some common tools such as tar, dump/restore, and cpio etc.

File Systems

Linux by default supports and use ext3 or ext4 file systems.
UNIX comes with various file systems such as jfs, gpfs (AIX), jfs, gpfs (HP-UX), jfs, gpfs (Solaris).
System Administration Tools
UNIX comes with its own tools such as SAM on HP-UX.
Suse Linux comes with Yast
Redhat Linux comes with its own gui tools called redhat-config-*.

However, editing text config file and typing commands are most popular options for sys admin work under UNIX and Linux.

System Startup Scripts

Almost every version of UNIX and Linux comes with system initialization script but they are located in different directories:
HP-UX - /sbin/init.d
AIX - /etc/rc.d/init.d
Linux - /etc/init.d
End User Perspective
The differences are not that big for the average end user. They will use the same shell (e.g. bash or ksh) and other development tools such as Perl or Eclipse development tool.

System Administrator Perspective

Again, the differences are not that big for the system administrator. However, you may notice various differences while performing the following operations:
Software installation procedure
Hardware device names
Various admin commands or utilities
Software RAID devices and mirroring
Logical volume management
Package management
Patch management

UNIX Operating System Names

A few popular names:
Sun Solairs
Mac OS X

Linux Distribution (Operating System) Names

A few popular names:
Redhat Enterprise Linux
Fedora Linux
Debian Linux
Suse Enterprise Linux
Ubuntu Linux

Common Things Between Linux & UNIX

Both share many common applications such as:
GUI, file, and windows managers (KDE, Gnome)
Shells (ksh, csh, bash)
Various office applications such as OpenOffice.org
Development tools (perl, php, python, GNU c/c++ compilers)
Posix interface

Basic Linux Commands

mkdir - make directories

Usage : mkdir [OPTION] DIRECTORY 


Create the DIRECTORY(ies), if they do not already exist.

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.

-m, mode=MODE set permission mode (as in chmod), not rwxrwxrwx - umask

-p, parents no error if existing, make parent directories as needed

-v, verbose print a message for each created directory

-help display this help and exit

-version output version information and exit

cd - change directories

Use cd to change directories. Type cd followed by the name of a directory to access that directory.Keep in mind that you are always in a directory and can navigate to directories hierarchically above or below.

mv- change the name of a directory

Type mv followed by the current name of a directory and the new name of the directory.

Ex: mv testdir newnamedir

pwd - print working directory

will show you the full path to the directory you are currently in. This is very handy to use, especially when performing some of the other commands on this page

rmdir - Remove an existing directory

rm -r  - Removes directories and files within the directories recursively.

rm -rf - Forcefully removes directories and files within the directories recursively

chown - change file owner and group




chown [OPTION] --reference=RFILE FILE


Change the owner and/or group of each FILE to OWNER and/or GROUP. With --reference, change the owner and group of each FILE to those of RFILE.

-c, changes like verbose but report only when a change is made

-dereference affect the referent of each symbolic link, rather than the symbolic link itself

-h, no-dereference affect each symbolic link instead of any referenced file (useful only on systems that can change the ownership of a symlink)


change the owner and/or group of each file only if its current owner and/or group match those specified here. Either may be omitted, in which case a match is not required for the omitted attribute.

-no-preserve-root do not treat `/' specially (the default)

-preserve-root fail to operate recursively on `/'

-f, -silent, -quiet suppress most error messages

-reference=RFILE use RFILE's owner and group rather than the specifying OWNER:GROUP values

-R, -recursive operate on files and directories recursively

-v, -verbose output a diagnostic for every file processed

The following options modify how a hierarchy is traversed when the -R option is also specified. If more than one is specified, only the final one takes effect.

-H if a command line argument is a symbolic link to a directory, traverse it

-L traverse every symbolic link to a directory encountered

-P do not traverse any symbolic links (default)

chmod - change file access permissions


chmod [-r] permissions filenames

r Change the permission on files that are in the subdirectories of the directory that you are currently in. permission Specifies the rights that are being granted. Below is the different rights that you can grant in an alpha numeric format.filenames File or directory that you are associating the rights with Permissions

u - User who owns the file.

g - Group that owns the file.

o - Other.

a - All.

r - Read the file.

w - Write or edit the file.

x - Execute or run the file as a program.

Numeric Permissions:

CHMOD can also to attributed by using Numeric Permissions:

400 read by owner

040 read by group

004 read by anybody (other)

200 write by owner

020 write by group

002 write by anybody

100 execute by owner

010 execute by group

001 execute by anybody

ls - Short listing of directory contents

-a list hidden files

-d list the name of the current directory

-F show directories with a trailing '/'

executable files with a trailing '*'

-g show group ownership of file in long listing

-i print the inode number of each file

-l long listing giving details about files and directories

-R list all subdirectories encountered

-t sort by time modified instead of name

cp - Copy files

cp myfile yourfile
Copy the files "myfile" to the file "yourfile" in the current working directory. This command will create the file "yourfile" if it doesn't exist. It will normally overwrite it without warning if it exists.

cp -i myfile yourfile

With the "-i" option, if the file "yourfile" exists, you will be prompted before it is overwritten.

cp -i /data/myfile

Copy the file "/data/myfile" to the current working directory and name it "myfile". Prompt before overwriting the file.

cp -dpr srcdir destdir

Copy all files from the directory "srcdir" to the directory "destdir" preserving links (-poption), file attributes (-p option), and copy recursively (-r option). With these options, a directory and all it contents can be copied to another dir

ln - Creates a symbolic link to a file.

ln -s test symlink

Creates a symbolic link named symlink that points to the file test Typing "ls -i test symlink" will show the two files are different with different inodes. Typing "ls -l test symlink" will show that symlink points to the file test.

locate - A fast database driven file locator.

more - Allows file contents or piped output to be sent to the screen one page at a time

less - Opposite of the more command

cat - Sends file contents to standard output. This is a way to list the contents of short files to the screen. It works well with piping.

whereis - Report all known instances of a command wc - Print byte, word, and line counts


bg jobs Places the current job (or, by using the alternative form, the specified jobs) in the background, suspending its execution so that a new user prompt appears immediately. Use the jobs command to discover the identities of background jobs.

cal month year - Prints a calendar for the specified month of the specified year.

cat files - Prints the contents of the specified files.

clear - Clears the terminal screen.

cmp file1 file2 - Compares two files, reporting all discrepancies. Similar to the diff command, though the output format differs.

diff file1 file2 - Compares two files, reporting all discrepancies. Similar to the cmp command, though the output format differs.

dmesg - Prints the messages resulting from the most recent system boot.


fg jobs - Brings the current job (or the specified jobs) to the foreground.

file files
- Determines and prints a description of the type of each specified file.

find path -name pattern -print

Searches the specified path for files with names matching the specified pattern (usually enclosed in single quotes) and prints their names. The find command has many other arguments and functions; see the online documentation.

finger users - Prints descriptions of the specified users.

free - Displays the amount of used and free system memory.

ftp hostname

Opens an FTP connection to the specified host, allowing files to be transferred. The FTP program provides subcommands for accomplishing file transfers; see the online documentation.

head files - Prints the first several lines of each specified file.

ispell files - Checks the spelling of the contents of the specified files.

kill process_ids

kill - signal process_ids

kill -l

Kills the specified processes, sends the specified processes the specified signal (given as a number or name), or prints a list of available signals.

killall program

killall - signal program

Kills all processes that are instances of the specified program or sends the specified signal to all processes that are instances of the specified program.

mail - Launches a simple mail client that permits sending and receiving email messages.

man title

man section title - Prints the specified man page.

ping host - Sends an echo request via TCP/IP to the specified host. A response confirms that the host is operational.

reboot - Reboots the system (requires root privileges).

shutdown minutes

shutdown -r minutes

Shuts down the system after the specified number of minutes elapses (requires root privileges). The -r option causes the system to be rebooted once it has shut down.

sleep time - Causes the command interpreter to pause for the specified number of seconds.

sort files - Sorts the specified files. The command has many useful arguments; see the online documentation.

split file - Splits a file into several smaller files. The command has many arguments; see the online documentation

sync - Completes all pending input/output operations (requires root privileges).

telnet host - Opens a login session on the specified host.

top - Prints a display of system processes that's continually updated until the user presses the q key.

traceroute host - Uses echo requests to determine and print a network path to the host.

uptime - Prints the system uptime.

w - Prints the current system users.

wall - Prints a message to each user except those who've disabled message reception. Type Ctrl-D to end the message.

Using find command

The command find is used to search a given directory for a file or a given expression mentioned in the command. we can also do necessary actions on the output files using xargs

Some important options:

     -xdev                                          Stay on the same file system (dev in fstab).
    -exec cmd {} \;                           Execute the command and replace {} with the full path
    -iname                                        Like -name but is case insensitive
    -ls                                                Display information about the file (like ls -la)
    -size n                                         n is +-n (k M G T P)
    -cmin n                                      File's status was last changed n minutes ago.

find . -type f ! -perm -444
 Find files not readable by all
 find . -type d ! -perm -111
 Find dirs not accessible by all
 find /home/user/ -cmin 10 -print
 Files created or modified in the last 10 min.
 find . -name '*.[ch]' | xargs grep -E 'expr'
 Search 'expr' in this dir and below.
 find / -name "*.core" | xargs rm
 Find core dumps and delete them
 find / -name "*.core" -print -exec rm {} \;
 Other syntax
 find . \( -name "*.png" -o -name "*.jpg" \) -print
 iname is not case sensitive
 find . -type f -name "*.txt" ! -name README.txt -print
 Exclude README.txt files
 find /var/ -size +1M -exec ls -lh {} \;

 find /var/ -size +1M -ls 
Find in /var files above 1M and longlist them
 find . -size +10M -size -50M -print

 find /usr/ports/ -name work -type d -print -exec rm -rf {} \;
 Clean the ports

Find files with SUID; those file have to be kept secure.

Some more Examples:

1 .To list all files in the file system with a given base file name, type:
find / -name .profile -print

This searches the entire file system and writes the complete path names of all files named .profile.
The / (slash) tells the find command to search the root directory and all of its subdirectories.
In order not to waste time, it is best to limit the search by specifying the directories where you think the
files might be.

2. To list files having a specific permission code in the current directory tree, type:
find . -perm 0600 -print

This lists the names of the files that have only owner-read and owner-write permission. The . (dot) tells the find command to search the current directory and its subdirectories. See the chmod command for an explanation of permission codes.

3. To search several directories for files with certain permission codes, type:
find manual clients proposals -perm -0600 -print

This lists the names of the files that have owner-read and owner-write permission and possibly other permissions. The manual, clients, and proposals directories and their subdirectories are searched. In the previous example, -perm 0600 selects only files with permission codes that match 0600 exactly.
In this example, -perm -0600 selects files with permission codes that allow the accesses indicated by 0600 and other accesses above the 0600 level. This also matches the permission codes 0622 and 2744.

4 .To list all files in the current directory that have been changed during the current 24-hour period, type:
find . -ctime 1 -print

5 .To search for regular files with multiple links, type:
find . -type f -links +1 -print

This lists the names of the ordinary files (-type f) that have more than one link (-links +1). Note: Every directory has at least two links: the entry in its parent directory and its own . (dot) entry. The ln command explains multiple file links.

6 . To find all accessible files whose path name contains find, type:
find . -name '*find*' -print

7. To remove all files named a.out or *.o that have not been accessed for a week and that are not mounted using nfs, type:
find / \( -name a.out -o -name '*.o' \) -atime +7 ! -fstype nfs -exec rm {} \;

Note: The number used within the -atime expression is +7. This is the correct entry if you want the command to act on files not accessed for more than a week (seven 24-hour periods).

8 . To print the path names of all files in or below the current directory, except the directories named SCCS or files in the SCCS directories, type:
find . -name SCCS -prune -o -print

To print the path names of all files in or below the current directory, including the names of SCCS directories, type:
find . -print -name SCCS -prune

9. To search for all files that are exactly 414 bytes long, type:
find . -size 414c -print

10. To find and remove every file in your home directory with the .c suffix, type:
find /u/arnold -name "*.c" -exec rm {} \;

Every time the find command identifies a file with the .c suffix, the rm command deletes that file. The rm command is the only parameter specified for the -exec expression. The {} (braces) represent the current path name.

11 .In this example, dirlink is a symbolic link to the directory dir. You can list the files in dir by refering to the symbolic link dirlink on the command line. To do this, type:
find -H dirlink -print

12 . In this example, dirlink is a symbolic link to the directory dir. To list the files in dirlink, traversing the file hierarchy under dir including any
symbolic links, type:
find -L dirlink -print

13 . To determine whether the file dir1 referred by the symbolic link dirlink is newer than dir2, type:
find -H dirlink -newer dir2
Note: Because the -H flag is used, time data is collected not from dirlink but instead from dir1, which is found by traversing the symbolic link.

14. To produce a listing of files in the current directory in ls format with expanded user and group name, type : find . -ls -long

15 .To list the files with ACL/EA set in current directory, type:
find . -ea

Flavors of UNIX

 The table below summarizes some of the common UNIX variants and clones. While the table lists about forty different variants, the UNIX world isn't nearly as diverse as it used to be. Some of them are defunct and are listed for historical purposes. Others are on their way out. In some cases, vendors have defected to Microsoft technology. In others, mergers and acquisitions have led to the consolidation of different UNIX implementations. A list of "dead" UNIX implementations would be substantial indeed, consisting of hundreds of variations on the letters "U," "I," and "X" (CLIX, CX/UX, MV/UX, SINIX, VENIX, etc.).

UNIX Variants and Clones
UNIX Variant
For More Info
Apple Computer, Inc.
AT&T System V
Siemens AG
Berkeley Software Design, Inc.
Intergraph Corp.
Debian GNU/Hurd
Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
Debian GNU/Linux
Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
Data General Corp.
Digital Unix
Compaq Computer Corporation
Sequent Computer Systems, Inc.
Esix Systems
FreeBSD group
GNU Herd
GNU organization
HAL Computer Systems, Inc.
Hewlett-Packard Company
Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Lynx Real-Time Systems, Inc.
Tenon Intersystems
MacOS X Server
Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple Computer, Inc.
NCR Corporation
NetBSD group
NeXT Computer Inc.
defunct, see http://www.apple.com/
Compaq Computer Corporation
OpenBSD group
Caldera Systems, Inc.
Apple Computer, Inc.
QNX Realtime OS
QNX Software Systems Ltd.
Red Hat Linux
Red Hat Software, Inc.
Reliant UNIX
Siemens AG
Sun Microsystems
Sun Microsystems
S.u.S.E., Inc.
Silicon Graphics, Inc.
SCO -- The Santa Cruz Operation Inc.
Amdahl Corporation

Linux boot process

In this topic we will discuss indepth of Linux Boot Sequence.How a linux system boots?
This will help unix administrators in troubleshooting some bootup problem.
Before discussing about it I will notedown the major component we need to know which are responsible for the booting process.

        1.BIOS(Basic Input/Output System)
        2.MBR(Master Boot Record)
        3.LILO or GRUB
             LILO:-LInux LOader
             GRUB:-GRand Unified Bootloader
        6.Run Levels

      i.When we power on BIOS performs a Power-On Self-Test (POST) for all of the different hardware components in the system to make sure everything is working properly
     ii.Also it checks for whether the computer is being started from an off position (cold boot) or from a restart (warm boot) is
stored at this location.
     iii.Retrieves information from CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor) a battery operated memory chip on the motherboard that stores time, date, and critical system information.
     iv.Once BIOS sees everything is fine it will begin searching for an operating system Boot Sector on a valid master boot sector
on all available drives like hard disks,CD-ROM drive etc.
     v.Once BIOS finds a valid MBR it will give the instructions to boot and executes the first 512-byte boot sector that is the first
sector (“Sector 0″) of a partitioned data storage device such as hard disk or CD-ROM etc .
     i. Normally we use multi-level boot loader.Here MBR means I am referencing to DOS MBR.
     ii.Afer BIOS executes a valid DOS MBR,the DOS MBR will search for a valid primary partition marked as bootable on the hard disk.
     iii.If MBR finds a valid bootable primary partition then it executes the first 512-bytes of that partition which is second level MBR.
     iv. In linux we have two types of the above mentioned second level MBR known as LILO and GRUB
     i.LILO is a linux boot loader which is too big to fit into single sector of 512-bytes.
     ii.So it is divided into two parts :an installer and a runtime module.
     iii.The installer module places the runtime module on MBR.The runtime module has the info about all operating systems installed.
     iv.When the runtime module is executed it selects the operating system to load and transfers the control to kernel.
     v.LILO does not understand filesystems and boot images to be loaded and treats them as raw disk offsets
     i.GRUB MBR consists of 446 bytes of primary bootloader code and 64 bytes of the partition table.
     ii.GRUB locates all the operating systems installed and gives a GUI to select the operating system need to be loaded.
     iii.Once user selects the operating system GRUB will pass control to the karnel of that operating system.
see below what is the difference between LILO and GRUB
     i.Once GRUB or LILO transfers the control to Kernel,the Kernels does the following tasks
  • Intitialises devices and loads initrd module
  • mounts root filesystem
     i.The kernel, once it is loaded, finds init in sbin(/sbin/init) and executes it.
     ii.Hence the first process which is started in linux is init process.
     iii.This init process reads /etc/inittab file and sets the path, starts swapping, checks the file systems, and so on.
     iv.It runs all the boot scripts(/etc/rc.d/*,/etc/rc.boot/*)
     v.starts the system on specified run level in the file /etc/inittab

     i.There are 7 run levels in which the linux OS runs and different run levels serves for different purpose.The descriptions are
given below.
  • 0  – halt
  • 1  – Single user mode
  • 2  – Multiuser, without NFS (The same as 3, if you don’t have networking)
  • 3  – Full multiuser mode
  • 4  – unused
  • 5  – X11
  • 6  – Reboot
     ii.We can set in which runlevel we want to run our operating system by defining it on /etc/inittab file.
Now as per our setting in /etc/inittab the Operating System the operating system boots up and finishes the bootup process.
Below are given some few  important differences about LILO and GRUB
LILO has no interactive command interface GRUB has interactive command interface
LILO does not support booting from a network GRUB does support booting from a network
If you change your LILO config file, you have to rewrite the LILO stage one boot loader to the MBR GRUB automatically detects any change in config file and auto loads the OS
LILO supports only linux operating system GRUB supports large number of OS