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How to start your career in DevOps and Cloud ?

Are you new to DevOps & Cloud?

Do you want to pursue a career as a DevOps/Cloud Engineer ?

Then start learning the below tools with good practice.

OS: Linux (Rhel/Ubuntu)
Cloud: Start with AWS, learn & practice it well then move to other clouds like Azure & Google Cloud. Openstack is Optional
Programming/scripting: Bash/python/Groovy/Powershell
Infrastructure Orchestration: Terraform
Configuration Management: Ansible/Chef/Puppet - Ansible is good to begin with
Containers: Docker
Container Orchestration :Kubernetes
CI/CD: Jenkins
Repository: Github/Bitbucket/Git
DataStore: Sql (postgress) & nosql (Mongodb/Redis)

Last but not least learn apache/tomcat, Nginx.

Learning above tools/technologies will transition you to DevOps/Cloud profile.
However, we must keep updating our skills and catchup with latest technologies..

If you have any Suggestions/Questions/Comments, feel free to share in the below comment section.