DISCLAIMER : Please note that blog owner takes no responsibility of any kind for any type of data loss or damage by trying any of the command/method mentioned in this blog. You may use the commands/method/scripts on your own responsibility.If you find something useful, a comment would be appreciated to let other viewers also know that the solution/method work(ed) for you.

Most commonly used XSCF commands- solaris

The eXtended System Control Facility Unit (XSCFU) is a service processor that operates and administrates both midrange servers. The XSCFU diagnoses and starts the entire server, configures domains, offers dynamic reconfiguration, as well as detects and notifies various failures. The XSCFU enables standard control and monitoring function through network. Using this function enables starts, settings, and operation managements of the server from remote locations.

Connecting a domain

Check for the available domains on the servers :

XSCF> showdomainstatus -a
DID Domain    Status
00            Running
01            Running
02            Running
03              -
Now to connect to the domain with ID 00 :

XSCF> console -d 0

Power/reboot/reset/panic commands

Poweron all domains

XSCF> poweron -a
Poweron only domain 0

XSCF> poweron -d 0
Poweroff all domains

XSCF> poweroff -a
Poweroff domain 0

XSCF> poweroff -d 0
Reboot XSCF

XSCF> rebootxscf
The 3 modes to reset a domain are :

por: To reset the domain
panic: To panic the domain
xir: To reset the CPU in domain
XSCF> reset -d 0 por
XSCF> reset -d 0 panic
XSCF> reset -d 0 xir
Send a break signal to a domain (with ID 0)

XSCF> sendbreak -d 0

User Administration

Creating a New user

XSCF> adduser -u 345 admin
Delete a user

XSCF> deleteuser admin
Disable a user

XSCF> disableuser admin
Enable a user

XSCF> enableuser admin
Display user account information

XSCF> showuser -a
Set or change a User (admin) password

XSCF> password admin

Network related commands

Display complete network configuration

XSCF> shownetwork  -a
Set IP address for XSCF-LAN#0 in the XSCFU#0

XSCF> setnetwork xscf#0-lan#0 -m
We must apply the network settings and reboot the XSCF in order to the network settings to take effect :

XSCF> applynetwork
XSCF> rebootxscf
Setup 2 NTP servers with IP and

XSCF> setntp
Please reset the XSCF by rebootxscf to reflect the ntp settings.
To delete a NTP server

XSCF> setntp -c del
  Please reset the XSCF by rebootxscf to reflect the ntp settings.

Hardware Related Commands

Show field replaceable units(FRU)

XSCF> showhardconf
Display degraded units

XSCF> showstatus
To display configured devices on XSBs

XSCF> showdevices

Fault Management configuration tool

To view fault management logs

XSCF> fmdump -v
TIME                    UUID                                    MSG-ID
Nov 30 20:44:55.1283    9f773e33-e46f-466c-be86-fd3fcc449935   FMD-8000-0W
   100%  defect.sunos.fmd.nosub
Display Very Verbose Event Detail for a UUID

XSCF> fmdump -e -V -u 5f88d7d5-a107-4435-99c9-7c59479d22ed TIME CLASS


show the logs

XSCF> showlogs -v
XSCF> showlogs error
XSCF> showlogs power


We can take a snapshot of M series servers XSCF either on a remote server or on a USB device locally connected. To take a snaphot on a remote system (in /var/tmp directory) by using root user credentials :

XSCF> snapshot -L F -t root@
To take the snapshot on a Local USB device connected to the server :

XSCF> snapshot -L F -d usb0

Connect DVD Device to a domain

Run the following from the XSCF to connect the DAT & DVD to the needed port based on the domain(s) configuration.

XSCF> cfgdevice -q -y -c attach -p 0-0
Confirm that the device is attached to domain and is enabled :

XSCF> cfgdevice -l
From the OS prompt configure the newly added DVD device and restart the volmgmt service:

# cfgadm -c configure # c0
# /etc/init.d/volmgt start


Display current hostanems of XSCF units

XSCF> showhostname -a
xscf#0: hostname01.example.com 
xscf#1: hostname02.example.com
To set hostname and DNS domain name for XSCF doamin respectively

XSCF> sethostname xscf#0 hostname01
XSCF> sethostname -d example.com

Shut Down or Reboot a Solaris System

Normally, the system reboots at power-up or after a system crash. You can reboot a system by using either the init command or the reboot command. The init 6 command asks for stop methods (either SMF or rc.d). Whereas, the reboot command does not, thereby making the reboot command a more reliable way of rebooting a system.

Solaris is usually used as a server operating system. Because of this, you want to make sure that you shut the system down as gracefully as possible to ensure there isn’t any data loss.

For every application that is installed on your server, you should make sure that you have the correct scripts in /etc/rc(x).d to gracefully shut down the service.

You have more than one command option that you can use. The best command is this, executed as root:
shutdown -y -i5 -g0
This will immediately shut the system down. You can also use the older command that still works:
sync;sync;init 5
You can even use:
If you are trying to reboot the system as opposed to turning it off, you could use:
shutdown -y -i6 -g0
sync;sync;init 6
Or even:
So many commands to do the same thing… 

PowerHA/HACMP Moving Resource Group (RG) one node to other

In this post, you will be learning the steps for moving a resource group from one node to the other node. The steps as follows:

1) Extending PATH variable with cluster paths

Sometimes cluster paths are not included in default path ,run below command in case if you are not able to run commands directly.
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/es/sbin/cluster:/usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities:/usr/es/sbin/cluster/sbin:/usr/es/sbin/cluster/cspoc
2) Check the cluster services are up or not in destination node
#clshowsrv -v
Status of the RSCT subsystems used by HACMP:
Subsystem         Group            PID          Status
 topsvcs          topsvcs          278684       active
 grpsvcs          grpsvcs          332026       active
 grpglsm          grpsvcs                       inoperative
 emsvcs           emsvcs           446712       active
 emaixos          emsvcs           294942       active
 ctrmc            rsct             131212       active

Status of the HACMP subsystems:
Subsystem         Group            PID          Status
 clcomdES         clcomdES         204984       active
 clstrmgrES       cluster          86080        active

Status of the optional HACMP subsystems:
Subsystem         Group            PID          Status
 clinfoES         cluster          360702       active
3) Check the availability of resource group
# clRGinfo
Group Name     Type           State      Location
UMRG1            non-concurrent OFFLINE    umhaserv1
                                ONLINE     umhaserv2
4) Move the resourcegroup by using below command
==>  clRGmove -g <RG> -n  <node> -m

# clRGmove -g UMRG1 -n umhaserv1 -m
Attempting to move group UMRG1 to node umhaserv1.
Waiting for cluster to process the resource group movement request....
Waiting for the cluster to stabilize..................
Resource group movement successful.
Resource group UMRG1 is online on node umhaserv1.

You can use smitty path also

smitty cl_admin => HACMP Resource Group and Application Management => Move a Resource Group to Another Node / Site
5) Verify the RG movement
# clRGinfo
Group Name     Type           State      Location
UMRG1          non-concurrent   ONLINE     umhaserv1
                                OFFLINE    umhaserv2