DISCLAIMER : Please note that blog owner takes no responsibility of any kind for any type of data loss or damage by trying any of the command/method mentioned in this blog. You may use the commands/method/scripts on your own responsibility.If you find something useful, a comment would be appreciated to let other viewers also know that the solution/method work(ed) for you.

Veritas Cluster Cheat sheet

 VCS is built on three components: LLT, GAB, and VCS itself. LLT handles kernel-to-kernel communication over the LAN heartbeat links, GAB handles shared disk communication and messaging between cluster members, and VCS handles the management of services.

Once cluster members can communicate via LLT and GAB, VCS is started.
In the VCS configuration, each Cluster contains systems, Service Groups, and Resources. Service Groups contain a list of systems belonging to that group, a list of systems on which the Group should
be started, and Resources. A Resource is something controlled or monitored by VCS, like network interfaces, logical IP's, mount point, physical/logical disks, processes, files, etc. Each resource
corresponds to a VCS agent which actually handles VCS control over the resource.

VCS configuration can be set either statically through a configuration file, dynamically through the CLI, or both. LLT and GAB configurations are primarily set through configuration files.


VCS configuration is fairly simple. The three configurations to worry about are LLT, GAB, and VCS resources.


LLT configuration requires two files: /etc/llttab and /etc/llthosts.
llttab contains information on node-id, cluster membership, and heartbeat links. It should look like this:

# llttab -- low-latency transport configuration file


GAB requires only one configuration file, /etc/gabtab. This file lists the number of nodes in the cluster and also, if there are any communication disks in the system, configuration for them. Ex:

/sbin/gabconfig -c -n2

tells GAB to start GAB with 2 hosts in the cluster.


VCS uses two components, LLT and GAB to share data over the private networks among systems.
These components provide the performance and reliability required by VCS.

LLT LLT (Low Latency Transport) provides fast, kernel-to-kernel comms and monitors network connections. The system admin configures the LLT by creating a configuration file (llttab) that describes the systems in the cluster and private network links among them. The LLT runs in layer 2 of the network stack
GAB GAB (Group membership and Atomic Broadcast) provides the global message order required to maintain a synchronised state among the systems, and monitors disk comms such as that required by the VCS heartbeat utility. The system admin configures GAB driver by creating a configuration file ( gabtab).

LLT and GAB files

/etc/llthosts The file is a database, containing one entry per system, that links the LLT system ID with the hosts name. The file is identical on each server in the cluster.
/etc/llttab The file contains information that is derived during installation and is used by the utility lltconfig.
/etc/gabtab The file contains the information needed to configure the GAB driver. This file is used by the gabconfig utility.
/etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/main.cf The VCS configuration file. The file contains the information that defines the cluster and its systems.

Gabtab Entries

/sbin/gabdiskconf - i /dev/dsk/c1t2d0s2 -s 16 -S 1123
/sbin/gabdiskconf - i /dev/dsk/c1t2d0s2 -s 144 -S 1124
/sbin/gabdiskhb -a /dev/dsk/c1t2d0s2 -s 16 -p a -s 1123
/sbin/gabdiskhb -a /dev/dsk/c1t2d0s2 -s 144 -p h -s 1124
/sbin/gabconfig -c -n2

-i   Initialises the disk region
-s   Start Block
-S   Signature
gabdiskhb (heartbeat disks)
-a   Add a gab disk heartbeat resource
-s   Start Block
-p   Port
-S   Signature
-c   Configure the driver for use
-n   Number of systems in the cluster.

LLT and GAB Commands

Verifying that links are active for LLT lltstat -n
verbose output of the lltstat command lltstat -nvv | more
open ports for LLT lltstat -p
display the values of LLT configuration directives lltstat -c
lists information about each configured LLT link lltstat -l
List all MAC addresses in the cluster lltconfig -a list
stop the LLT running lltconfig -U
start the LLT lltconfig -c
verify that GAB is operating gabconfig -a
Note: port a indicates that GAB is communicating, port h indicates that VCS is started
stop GAB running gabconfig -U
start the GAB gabconfig -c -n <number of nodes>
override the seed values in the gabtab file gabconfig -c -x

GAB Port Memberbership

List Membership gabconfig -a
Unregister port f /opt/VRTS/bin/fsclustadm cfsdeinit
Port Function a   gab driver
b   I/O fencing (designed to guarantee data integrity)
d   ODM (Oracle Disk Manager)
f   CFS (Cluster File System)
h   VCS (VERITAS Cluster Server: high availability daemon)
o   VCSMM driver (kernel module needed for Oracle and VCS interface)
q   QuickLog daemon
v   CVM (Cluster Volume Manager)
w   vxconfigd (module for cvm)

Cluster daemons

High Availability Daemon had
Companion Daemon hashadow
Resource Agent daemon <resource>Agent
Web Console cluster managerment daemon CmdServer

Cluster Log Files

Log Directory /var/VRTSvcs/log
primary log file (engine log file) /var/VRTSvcs/log/engine_A.log

Starting and Stopping the cluster

"-stale" instructs the engine to treat the local config as stale
"-force" instructs the engine to treat a stale config as a valid one
hastart [-stale|-force]
Bring the cluster into running mode from a stale state using the configuration file from a particular server hasys -force <server_name>
stop the cluster on the local server but leave the application/s running, do not failover the application/s hastop -local
stop cluster on local server but evacuate (failover) the application/s to another node within the cluster hastop -local -evacuate
stop the cluster on all nodes but leave the application/s running hastop -all -force

Cluster Status

display cluster summary hastatus -summary
continually monitor cluster hastatus
verify the cluster is operating hasys -display

Cluster Details

information about a cluster haclus -display
value for a specific cluster attribute haclus -value <attribute>
modify a cluster attribute haclus -modify <attribute name> <new>
Enable LinkMonitoring haclus -enable LinkMonitoring
Disable LinkMonitoring haclus -disable LinkMonitoring


add a user hauser -add <username>
modify a user hauser -update <username>
delete a user hauser -delete <username>
display all users hauser -display

System Operations

add a system to the cluster hasys -add <sys>
delete a system from the cluster hasys -delete <sys>
Modify a system attributes hasys -modify <sys> <modify options>
list a system state hasys -state
Force a system to start hasys -force
Display the systems attributes hasys -display [-sys]
List all the systems in the cluster hasys -list
Change the load attribute of a system hasys -load <system> <value>
Display the value of a systems nodeid (/etc/llthosts) hasys -nodeid
Freeze a system (No offlining system, No groups onlining) hasys -freeze [-persistent][-evacuate]
Note: main.cf must be in write mode
Unfreeze a system ( reenable groups and resource back online) hasys -unfreeze [-persistent]
Note: main.cf must be in write mode

Dynamic Configuration 

The VCS configuration must be in read/write mode in order to make changes. When in read/write mode the
configuration becomes stale, a .stale file is created in $VCS_CONF/conf/config. When the configuration is put
back into read only mode the .stale file is removed.
Change configuration to read/write mode haconf -makerw
Change configuration to read-only mode haconf -dump -makero
Check what mode cluster is running in haclus -display |grep -i 'readonly'
0 = write mode
1 = read only mode
Check the configuration file hacf -verify /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config
Note: you can point to any directory as long as it has main.cf and types.cf
convert a main.cf file into cluster commands hacf -cftocmd /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config -dest /tmp
convert a command file into a main.cf file hacf -cmdtocf /tmp -dest /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config

Service Groups

add a service group haconf -makerw
  hagrp -add groupw
  hagrp -modify groupw SystemList sun1 1 sun2 2
  hagrp -autoenable groupw -sys sun1
haconf -dump -makero
delete a service group haconf -makerw
  hagrp -delete groupw
haconf -dump -makero
change a service group haconf -makerw
  hagrp -modify groupw SystemList sun1 1 sun2 2 sun3 3
haconf -dump -makero
Note: use the "hagrp -display <group>" to list attributes
list the service groups hagrp -list
list the groups dependencies hagrp -dep <group>
list the parameters of a group hagrp -display <group>
display a service group's resource hagrp -resources <group>
display the current state of the service group hagrp -state <group>
clear a faulted non-persistent resource in a specific grp hagrp -clear <group> [-sys] <host> <sys>
Change the system list in a cluster # remove the host
hagrp -modify grp_zlnrssd SystemList -delete <hostname>
# add the new host (don't forget to state its position)
hagrp -modify grp_zlnrssd SystemList -add <hostname> 1
# update the autostart list
hagrp -modify grp_zlnrssd AutoStartList <host> <host>

Service Group Operations

Start a service group and bring its resources online hagrp -online <group> -sys <sys>
Stop a service group and takes its resources offline hagrp -offline <group> -sys <sys>
Switch a service group from system to another hagrp -switch <group> to <sys>
Enable all the resources in a group hagrp -enableresources <group>
Disable all the resources in a group hagrp -disableresources <group>
Freeze a service group (disable onlining and offlining) hagrp -freeze <group> [-persistent]
note: use the following to check "hagrp -display <group> | grep TFrozen"
Unfreeze a service group (enable onlining and offlining) hagrp -unfreeze <group> [-persistent]
note: use the following to check "hagrp -display <group> | grep TFrozen"
Enable a service group. Enabled groups can only be brought online haconf -makerw
  hagrp -enable <group> [-sys]
haconf -dump -makero
Note to check run the following command "hagrp -display | grep Enabled"
Disable a service group. Stop from bringing online haconf -makerw
  hagrp -disable <group> [-sys]
haconf -dump -makero
Note to check run the following command "hagrp -display | grep Enabled"
Flush a service group and enable corrective action. hagrp -flush <group> -sys <system>


add a resource haconf -makerw
  hares -add appDG DiskGroup groupw
  hares -modify appDG Enabled 1
  hares -modify appDG DiskGroup appdg
  hares -modify appDG StartVolumes 0
haconf -dump -makero
delete a resource haconf -makerw
  hares -delete <resource>
haconf -dump -makero
change a resource haconf -makerw
  hares -modify appDG Enabled 1
haconf -dump -makero
Note: list parameters "hares -display <resource>"
change a resource attribute to be globally wide hares -global <resource> <attribute> <value>
change a resource attribute to be locally wide hares -local <resource> <attribute> <value>
list the parameters of a resource hares -display <resource>
list the resources hares -list  
list the resource dependencies hares -dep

Resource Operations

Online a resource hares -online <resource> [-sys]
Offline a resource hares -offline <resource> [-sys]
display the state of a resource( offline, online, etc) hares -state
display the parameters of a resource hares -display <resource>
Offline a resource and propagate the command to its children hares -offprop <resource> -sys <sys>
Cause a resource agent to immediately monitor the resource hares -probe <resource> -sys <sys>
Clearing a resource (automatically initiates the onlining) hares -clear <resource> [-sys]

Resource Types

Add a resource type hatype -add <type>
Remove a resource type hatype -delete <type>
List all resource types hatype -list
Display a resource type hatype -display <type>
List a partitcular resource type hatype -resources <type>
Change a particular resource types attributes hatype -value <type> <attr>

Resource Agents

add a agent pkgadd -d . <agent package>
remove a agent pkgrm <agent package>
change a agent n/a
list all ha agents haagent -list  
Display agents run-time information i.e has it started, is it running ? haagent -display <agent_name>  
Display agents faults haagent -display |grep Faults

Resource Agent Operations

Start an agent haagent -start <agent_name>[-sys]
Stop an agent haagent -stop <agent_name>[-sys]

Show the line number while monitoring the log files using tail -f command

You can combine the tail -f command using either cat or awk commands:

Method 1:

# tail -f syslog|cat -n

Method 2: 

# tail -f syslog|awk '{print NR,$0}'

You should get the similar output as below:

 1 Mar 4 15:21:07 oraserver local1:info Oracle Audit[1433636]: 
 2 Mar 4 15:21:07 oraserver local1:info Oracle Audit[4198698]:
 3 Mar 4 15:21:07 oraserver local1:info Oracle Audit[5456076]: 
 4 Mar 4 15:21:07 oraserver local1:info Oracle Audit[6545472]: 
 5 Mar 4 15:21:09 oraserver local1:info Oracle Audit[5456078]: 
 6 Mar 4 15:21:09 oraserver local1:info Oracle Audit[1609878]: 
 7 Mar 4 15:21:09 oraserver local1:info Oracle Audit[5456078]: 
 8 Mar 4 15:21:17 oraserver auth|security:info sshd[6545478]: 
 9 Mar 4 15:21:17 oraserver auth|security:info sshd[5456086]: 
 10 Mar 4 15:21:46 oraserver daemon:info CCIRMTD[295062]: 
This perfpmr package contains a number of performance tools and some instructions.  Some of these tools are products available with AIX.  Some of the tools are prototype internal tools (setpri, setsched, iomon, getevars, pmcount, lsc, fcstat2, memfill, getdate, perfstat_trigger) and are not generally available to customers. 

All results generated by the Program are estimates and averages based on certain assumptions and conditions. Each environment has its own unique set of requirements that no tool can entirely account for. No representation is made that the results will be accurate or achieved in any given IBM installation environment. The result is based on specific configurations and run time environments. Customer results will vary. Any configuration recommended by the Program should be tested and verified. Any code provided is for illustrative purposes only.


  Note:   The act of collecting performance data will add load on the system.  HACMP users may        want to extend the Dead Man Switch timeout or shutdown HACMP prior to collecting  perfpmr data to avoid accidental failovers.


      This package contains a set of tools and instructions for  collecting the data needed to analyze a AIX performance   problem.  This tool set runs on AIX V7.1



           The package will be distributed as a compressed "tar" file available electronically.

            From the internet:


           The following assumes the tar file is in /tmp and named  'perf71.tar.Z'.

           a. login as root or use the 'su' command to obtain root  authority

           b. create perf71 directory and move to that directory (this example assumes the directory built  is under /tmp)

              # mkdir /tmp/perf71
              # cd /tmp/perf71

           c. extract the shell scripts out of the compressed tar file:

              # zcat /tmp/perf71.tar.Z | tar -xvf -


      A. Purpose:

           1. This section describes the set of steps that should be followed to collect performance data.

           2. The goal is to collect a good base of information that can be used by AIX technical support specialists or development lab programmers to get started in analyzing and solving the performance problem. This process may need to be repeated after analysis of the initial set of data is completed and/or AIX personnel may want to dial-in to the customer's machine if appropriate for  additional data collection/analysis.

      B. Collection of the Performance Data on Your System

           1. Detailed System Performance Data:

              Detailed performance data is required to analyze and solve a performance problem. Follow these steps to  invoke the supplied shell scripts:

              NOTE:  You must have root user authority when executing these shell scripts.

                a. Create a data collection directory and 'cd' into this  directory.
                   Allow at least 45MB*#of_logicalcpus of unused space in whatever file system is used.


                   For example using /tmp filesystem:
                       # mkdir /tmp/perfdata
                       # cd /tmp/perfdata

                b. HACMP users:
                     Generaly recommend HACMP deadman switch interval be lengthened while performance data is being collected.

                c. Collect our 'standard' PERF71 data for 600 seconds (600 seconds = 10 minutes).  Start the data collection while the problem is already occurring with the command:

                     /directory_where_perfpmrscripts_are_installed/perfpmr.sh 600

                   The perfpmr.sh shell provided will:
                   - immediately collect a 5 second trace (trace.sh 5)
                   - collect 600 seconds of general system performance data (monitor.sh 600).
                   - collect hardware and software configuration information (config.sh).

                   In addition, if it finds the following programs available  in the current execution path, it will:
                   - collect 10 seconds of iptrace information (iptrace.sh 10)
                   - collect 10 seconds of filemon information (filemon.sh 10)
                   - collect 60 seconds of tprof information (tprof.sh 60)

                   NOTE:  Since a performance problems may mask other problems, it is not uncommon to fix one issue and then collect more data to work on another issue.

                d. Answer the questions in the text file called 'PROBLEM.INFO' in the data collection directory created above.  This background information about your problem helps us better understand what is going wrong.


      A. Combine all the collected data into a single binary 'tar' file and compress it:

           Put the completed PROBLEM.INFO in the same directory where the data was collected (ie. /tmp/perfdata in the following example).  Change to the parent directory, and use the tar command as follows:

       Either use: cd /tmp; perfpmr.sh -o perfdata -z pmr#.pax.gz
           # cd /tmp/perfdata   (or whatever directory used
                                  to collect the data)
           # cd ..
       # pax -xpax -vw perfdata | gzip -c > pmr#.pax.gz

      B. Submission of testcase to IBM:

           Internet 'ftp' access:
             The quickest method to get the data analyzed is for the customer to ftp the data directly to IBM. Data placed on the server listed below cannot be accessed by unauthorized personnel.  Please contact your IBM representative for the PMR#, BRANCH#, and COUNTRY#.  IBM uses all 3 to uniquely associate your data with your problem tracking record.

               'ftp testcase.software.ibm.com'
                Userid:  anonymous
                password:  your_internet_email_address
                           (ie. smith@austin.ibm.com)
               'cd toibm/aix'
               'put  PMR#.BRANCH#.COUNTRY#.pax.gz'
                  (ie. '16443.060.000.pax.gz'

            If the transfer fails with an error, it's possible that a file already exists by the same name on the ftp server. In this case, add something to the name of the file to differentiate it from the file already on the ftp site (ex. 16443.060.000.july18.pax.gz).

             Notify your IBM customer representative you have submitted the data.  They will then update the defect report to indicate the data is available for analysis.

Cloning a rootvg using alternate disk installation

Using this scenario, you can clone AIX® running on rootvg to an alternate disk on the same system, install a user-defined software bundle, and run a user-defined script to customize the AIX image on the alternate disk.
The information in this how-to scenario was tested using specific versions of AIX. The results you obtain might vary significantly depending on your version and level of AIX.
Because the alternate disk installation process involves cloning an existing rootvg to a target alternate disk, the target alternate disk must not be already assigned to a volume group.

In this scenario you will do the following:
  1. Prepare for the alternate disk installation
  2. Perform the alternate disk installation and customization
  3. Boot off the alternate disk
  4. Verify the operation

Step 1. Prepare for the alternate disk installation

  1. Check the status of physical disks on your system. Type:
    # lspv
    Output similar to the following displays:
    hdisk0         0009710fa9c79877    rootvg    active
    hdisk1         0009710f0b90db93    None
    We can use hdisk1 as our alternate disk because no volume group is assigned to this physical disk.
  2. Check to see if the alt_disk_copy fileset has been installed by running the following:
    # lslpp -L bos.alt_disk_install.rte
    Output similar to the following displays if the alt_disk_copy fileset is not installed:
    lslpp: 0504-132  Fileset bos.alt_disk_install.rte not installed.
  3. Using volume 1 of the AIX installation media, install the alt_disk_copy fileset by running the following:
    # geninstall -d/dev/cd0 bos.alt_disk_install.rte
    Output similar to the following displays:
    Installation Summary                                                           
    Name                        Level           Part        Event       Result     
    bos.alt_disk_install.rte         USR         APPLY       SUCCESS    
  4. Create a user-defined bundle called /usr/sys/inst.data/user_bundles/MyBundle.bnd that contains the following filesets:

  5. Create the /home/scripts directory:
    mkdir /home/scripts
  6. Create a user-defined customization script called AddUsers.sh in the /home/scripts directory:
    touch /home/scripts/AddUsers.sh
    chmod 755 /home/scripts/AddUsers.sh
  7. Edit /home/scripts/AddUsers.sh to contain the following lines:
    mkuser johndoe
    touch /home/johndoe/abc.txt
    touch /home/johndoe/xyz.txt

Step 2. Perform the alternate disk installation and customization

  1. To clone the rootvg to an alternate disk, type the following at the command line to open the SMIT menu :
    # smit alt_clone
  2. Select hdisk1 in the Target Disk to Install field.
  3. Select the MyBundle bundle in the Bundle to Install field.
  4. Insert volume one of the installation media.
  5. Type /dev/cd0 in the Directory or Device with images field.
  6. Type /home/scripts/AddUsers.sh in the Customization script field.
  7. Press Enter to start the alternate disk installation.
  8. Check that the alternate disk was created, by running the following:
    # lspv
    Output similar to the following displays:
    hdisk0         0009710fa9c79877    rootvg             
    hdisk1         0009710f0b90db93    altinst_rootvg     

Step 3. Boot from the alternate disk

  1. By default, the alternate-disk-installation process changes the boot list to the alternate disk. To check this run the following:
    # bootlist -m normal -o   
    Output similar to the following displays:
  2. Reboot the system. Type:
    # shutdown -r
    The system boots from the boot image on the alternate disk (hdisk1).

Step 4. Verify the operation

  1. When the system reboots, it will be running off the alternate disk. To check this, type the following:
    # lspv
    Output similar to the following displays:
    hdisk0         0009710fa9c79877    old_rootvg  
    hdisk1         0009710f0b90db93    rootvg      
  2. Verify that the customization script ran correctly, by typing the following:
    # find /home/johndoe -print       
    Output similar to the following displays:
  3. Verify that the contents of your software bundle was installed, by typing the following:
    # lslpp -Lb MyBundle                                         
    Output similar to the following displays:
      Fileset                      Level  State  Description                      
      bos.content_list     C    AIX Release Content List         
      bos.games            C    Games 

alt_disk in AIX


Required filesets:

alt_disk_copy -d <hdisk to clone rootvg>                 this will clone the rootvg to the specified disk
alt_disk_copy -e /etc/exclude.rootvg -d <hdisk>      this will use the exclude list during the cloning
alt_disk_copy -T -d <hdisk>                                      it will convert jfs to jfs2 on the new target disk (from 6.1 TL4 only)
alt_rootvg_op -X <cloned rootvg to destroy>          this will destroy the cloned rootvg (alt_rootvg_op -X altinst_rootvg)
alt_rootvg_op -W -d <hdisk>                                   this will wake up a disk (cloned filesystems will be mounted with prefix /alt_)
alt_rootvg_op -S -t <hdisk>                                      this will put cloned rootvg to sleep (before that it will do a bosboot)
                                                     (-S: put to sleep earlier "waked up" vg, -t: rebuilds the alt. bootimage before sleep)
alt_rootvg_op -v <new cloned rootvg name> -d <hdisk> this will rename the given cloned rootvg name
                                                     (after wake-up and sleep the cloned vg name will be changed, in this case it is useful)

alt_disk_mksysb -m /mnt/aix1mksysb -d hdisk1 -k      this will resore given mksysb (aix1mksysb) to hdisk1 (-k: keep device configuration)

/var/adm/ras/alt_disk_inst.log                       alt_disk log file

alt_disk_copy: (copy hdisk0 to hdsik1)
lv names can't be longer than 11 characters (because of alt_ prefix)
do not take out that disk which was used during boot (otherwise there will be problems with bosboot)

-unmirrorvg rootvg hdisk1   
-reducevg rootvg hdisk1       
-bosboot -ad hdisk0       
-bootlist -m normal hdisk0   
-alt_disk_copy -d hdisk1       
-bootlist -m normal hdisk0

after booting from hdisk1:
root@aix11: / # lspv
hdisk0          00cf5d8fe9c88a34                    old_rootvg
hdisk1          00cf5d8fadcaa9a9                    rootvg          active

booting from the old disk:
root@aix11: / # lspv
hdisk0          00cf5d8fe9c88a34                    rootvg          active
hdisk1          00cf5d8fadcaa9a9                    altinst_rootvg

removing the new image (keeping the old one):
-alt_rootvg_op -X altinst_rootvg         <--removing the new image from hdisk1
-chpv -c hdisk1                          <--clear that pv what contained the removed image
-extendvg -f rootvg hdisk1               <--extend the currently used rootvg with the cleared disk (hdisk1)
-mirrorvg -S rootvg hdisk1               <--mirroring rootvg to hdisk1 (checking: lsvg rootvg | grep STALE)(-S: -background sync)
-bosboot -ad hdisk0; bosboot -ad hdisk1  <--recreate the bootimage
-bootlist -m normal hdisk0 hdisk1        <--setup correct bootlist (checking: bootlist -m normal -o)


Changing lv names (to avoid 11 characters problem):
1. # mkszfile                            <--creates image.data file of rootvg
2. # vi image.data                       <--edit image.data
3. # alt_disk_copy -d hdiskX -i /image.data -B    <--give image.data fie for alt_disk_copy



unmirrorvg rootvg hdisk1                 <--removing mirror ( check: lsvg -p rootvg)
chpv -c hdisk1                           <--clears boot record
reducevg rootvg hdisk1                   <--free up hdisk1
bosboot -ad hdisk0                       <--creates boot record
bootlist -m normal hdisk0                <--sets boot list (check: bootlist -m normal -o)

installp -s                              <--check if anything can be commited
copy new bos.rte.install                 <--will be needed for checking if update will be successful (cd to this directory)
install_all_updates -pYd .               <--preview of new bos.rte.install
install_all_updates -Yd .                <--installs new bos.rte.install

oslevel -sg 5300-09-01-0847              <--shows which fileset is greater than current service pack, it will show bos.rte.install
instfix -i | grep SP                            <--it will show where to update (53-09-020849_SP)
oslevel -sl 53-09-020849                 <--shows which filesets should be update

cd /mnt/5300-09-SP2                      <--go to servicepack dir
install_all_updates -pYd .               <--preview check

alt_disk_copy -d hdisk1 -b update_all -l /mnt/5300-09-SP2     <--this will do the update

shutdown -Fr                                      <--new OS will boot up
smitty commit                                    <--if needed

alt_rootvg_op -X old_rootvg               <--removes cloned old OS
chpv -c hdisk0                                     <--clears bootrecord
extendvg -f rootvg hdisk0                   <--add hdisk0 to rootvg
mirrorvg -S rootvg hdisk0                   <--mirror rootvg (-S: in background)
bosboot -a                                              <--creates boot record
bootlist -m normal hdisk0 hdisk1         <--set bootlist

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